“Being in touch with our values has never been more important
in business and leadership.” – The Values Compass

Dr. Mandeep Rai is a broadcast journalist, speaker, moderator and author. A global authority on values, working with companies, institutions, and individuals around the world, she has travelled to more that 150 countries and reported as a journalist for the BBC World Service and Reuters, amongst others.

She is a seasoned and in demand keynote speaker and moderated the 2020 Sikh Leadership Summit.

Mandeep is also a founder of  V20 Values a global community of values experts and practitioners that seeks to actively engage with the Group of Twenty (G20).  Their vision is to add depth to the understanding of values in public policy with the goal of providing the G20 with evidence-based, human-centered policy solutions that contribute to overcoming global challenges.

She began her career in private banking at JPMorgan, and later worked for the United Nations, the European Commission, and grassroots NGOs before setting up the UAE’s first media venture capital fund.

Dr. Mandeep studied philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE), has an MSc in International Development from the London School of Economics, and completed an MBA at London Business School, with a year at Harvard Business School and MIT. She also holds a PhD in global values.

She contends that understanding our own and others’ values is a key component of decision making and risk taking; shows how values underpin the ways in which people live, lead, and interact.  Mandeep is the author of The Sunday Times Best Seller: The Values Compass – What 101 Countries Teach Us About Purpose, Life and Leadership.

Broadcast journalist Mandeep Rai takes us on a journey to 101 countries around the world, highlighting a single, unique value that has defined each nation’s history, culture, and global influence – and how we can apply them to better our own lives and make decisions more effectively.


The Values Compass takes us into the hearts, minds, and traditions of the cultures and people of the world. It demonstrates how interconnected we are and how the divisions that exist between us stem from narrow self-interest rather than concern for the good of our human family. I hope that the book will contribute to making our world a happier place.’ The Dalai Lama

“In today’s busy lives we get on with whatever we have to do without stopping to think. Rai’s book will make you do just that – stop and think. Her powers of observation and insight are remarkable. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and you will too.”
Sir Christopher Pissarides, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 

“It is more important than ever to have a foundation of values and the right moral compass to shape how you approach taking thoughtful risks. Dr. Rai’s book is a critical guide to building that foundation and finding your North Star.” Ajay Banga, CEO, Mastercard

Every day, whether we acknowledge it or not, we make decisions based on what we believe in. The choices, challenges, or opportunities facing us – and how we engage with them – in politics, family, relationships, work, and play reveal something important about our character, desires, and personality to ourselves and to others. When those values align and are shared by a single population, they have the power to transform a nation and teach the world valuable lessons about success.

In The Values Compass, Mandeep Rai explores this concept by taking 101 distinct countries and identifying a single key value in each that is represented throughout its history, geography, and culture in the hope that we may find a way to incorporate those values into our own lives. From India’s ‘faith’ to Vietnam’s ‘resilience’, Argentina’s ‘passion’ to Singapore’s ‘order’, Australia’s ‘mateship’ to Uganda’s ‘heritage’ and from Malta’s ‘community’ to Sri Lanka’s ‘joy’, we may all find something of ourselves in others and succeed together as a result.

This is an insightful and readable collection of profiles that open our eyes to the world around us, and in turn help us reflect on which values matter, last, and have the power to create change.

  • The Values Compass hit the Wall Street Journal Bestselling List in the USA
  • The Sunday Times Bestselling List in the UK
  • Is being translated around the world
  • Has been chosen as THE GUIDE to the OLYMPICS – to be held in Japan Summer 2021
  • The Female Quotient are taking it around the world, hosting virtual dinners with the top 250 women of each nation – focusing on the value of the nation


“At the recent Sikh Leadership Summit, she was on-point as every: offering wit and wisdom, as well as actionable ideas and strategies.”  Aljay Banga – CEO Mastercard

“Dr. Rai did a fantastic job drawing out compelling stories from the speakers keeping the audience engaged throughout.  Dr. Rai’s research and experience make her an exceptional moderator as she deftly bridges from story to story sharing insights and enchanting audiences. ”
Aman Bhutani  – CEO GoDaddy

“Dr. Rai was very engaging and her presentation resonated with participants.  She re-enforced the values and beliefs that matter most to us, both as a business and on a personal level, in a thought-provoking engaging manner.” –   Emily Pittman – General Manager – Unilever Ireland