Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Expertise: Post Pandemic World, Globalization,Conscious Capitalism, Digital Divining
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Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Former US Presidential Advisor |Former Advisor to the UK Cabinet
Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author |Tech Entrepreneur

Dr Pippa Malmgren is an economist who makes the world economy come alive with hope and possibility as she explains the nexus between markets, technology, politics, strategic security and geopolitics. She helps audiences better understand tomorrow’s economy today. She predicted the return of inflation, the rise of geopolitics, the slowdown in China, Brexit, and the fast expansion of the space economy. She is keen on high-tech and heart-led leadership and writes about emerging global trends on Dr. Pippa’s Pen and Podcast.

She lectures at Sandhurst and in the Duke Fuqua Global Executive MBA Program.

Pippa makes regular guest appearances on Bloomberg and the BBC and speaks to audiences worldwide on emerging trends.

She has been named a Fellow of The Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation for 2022-2024. She is also a Founder member of the Lunar University, a NASA-originated project to ensure the first human institution on the moon represents the arts and humanities.

She served President George W. Bush in the White House as Special Assistant to the President and on The National Economic Council. She served on the President’s Working Group on Corporate Governance and The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. After 9/11 she was also responsible for assessing Terrorism Risks to the Economy and technology as a source of geopolitical competitiveness.

Before joining the White House, she ran the Bankers Trust Asset Management business in Asia and was then appointed as the Global Chief Currency Strategist. She was then named the Deputy Head of Global Strategy at UBS. More recently she advised the British Cabinet on trade issues as a Board Member for The Department for International Trade from 2017-2019. She is also on the Board of Premios Verdes which holds the “Green Oscars” to support cleantech start-ups in emerging markets and serves as a judge on The Queen’s Enterprise Business Awards and is a Senior Associate Fellow of RUSI, the world’s leading defence think tank. She has also been involved in the Planning Committee of the BSA Huxley Summit. In 2014, she co-founded a robotics firm that made industrial drones which won the Cog X Award for Autonomy, the 2020 National Technology Award and Power Product of the Year 2020.

Her most recent bestseller, The Infinite Leader, won the International Press Award for the Best Book on Leadership for 2021. Her previous book, The Leadership Lab, was named Business Book of the Year and Best Book on Leadership in 2019 and won the International Press Award 2020 and the NYC Library Big Apple Award. She is also the author of: Geopolitics for Investors (2015) and Signals: How Everyday Signs Help Us Navigate the World’s Turbulent Economy a crowd-funded Amazon best-seller (2016/7). She has been named one of the Fifty Top Inspiring Women in the UK and one of the Top 100 in Tech by @WATC_WeAreTech and longlisted by Computer Weekly as a Most Influential Women in Tech for 2019, 2020 and 2021. She began her career at the OECD in Paris in the Science and Technology Directorate (STI).

She has a BA from Mount Vernon College and an M.Sc. and PhD from LSE. She completed the Harvard Program on National Security. She gave the graduation address at the London School of Economics in 2013 and 2016. Commercial firms like Google, American Express, major banks and asset managers like Citigroup and State Street and military leaders retain her to speak.

Pippa takes a “holistic” approach and weaves together politics, policy, geopolitics, tech and markets.
The Hot War in Cold Places and The Cold War in Hot Places
Why The New Space Economy Will Transform Earth
Tech, Innovation, Geopolitics, and the Social Contract
The New Globalization is Glocalization
Conscious Capitalism
Digital Divining, AR/VR/XR and the Metverse

Rolls Royce FCAS 2023 “I found the presentation one of the biggest ‘aha’ moments I’ve had in the last 3 years.”
Citigroup Private Clients 2023 “superb and really elevated the mood, she was very captivating to listen to, and we’ve had lots of great feedback.”
Airbus 2023 “The feedback we have received is unanimous regarding how inspiring your talk was.”
Barclays Internal Leadership Training Series 2023 “for two phenomenal sessions for our high-potential Directors at Barclays. Your stories, as always, were engaging, thought provoking and inspiring.”
IQEQ 2023 on Conscious Capitalism “Fabulous keynote speech.”
WhiteSpace “She is consistently outstanding for us.”
EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards “Top rated speaker”
The Economist: “Inundated with enthusiastic feedback.”
Barron’s: “Spontaneous applause and a standing ovation.”

Pippa is also a bestselling author of award-winning books including The Infinite Leader (October
2020), The Leadership Lab, which won the International Press Award in 2020 and was named Business book of the Year in 2019 and Signals: How Everyday Signs Help Us Navigate the World’s Turbulent Economy, a crowd-funded best-seller (2016) and Geopolitics for Investors (2015).

She has a BA from Mount Vernon College and an M.Sc. and PhD from LSE. She completed the Harvard Program on National Security. She lectures at Sandhurst and the Duke Fuqua Global Executive MBA Program and has lectured at the U Texas Austin and INSEAD. She gave the graduation address at the London School of Economics in 2013 and 2016. She was named a Davos Global Young Leader twice.

She lectures at Sandhurst and the Duke Fuqua Global Executive MBA program. She has also lectured at UT Austin, INSEAD and Tsinghua University.

Pippa makes regular guest appearances on Bloomberg and the BBC including The Today Program, Newsnight, Hard Talk and on Monocle Radio.

Bestselling and award-winning author duo Chris Lewis and Pippa Malmgren are calling it out. In The Infinite Leaderthey argue that the spectacular leadership failures that we have witnessed in recent history, stretching across business, community life and politics, can be explained by a lack of balance.

Having spent centuries perfecting processes and systems to maximize productivity and being indicted to the shrine of numbers, KPI’s and financial forecasting, we have to admit, there are very few examples of sustainable and inspirational leadership figures out there. By over-relying on the hard stuff, we have disregarded whole dimensions of values that are desperately needed when trying to engage communities of people towards a common goal.

The Infinite Leader is a roadmap to introducing balance back into organizations. You can adapt your stance to the infinite possibilities facing you as a leader, and balance the main quadrants of the rational, emotional, spiritual and physical leader, to deliver sustainable leadership with integrity. Business is still about people – people operate across paradoxes and opposing forces, in a world that confounds these influences. Leaders need to continuously juggle and neutralize these to succeed. Be what your people need you to be and learn what they don’t teach you in business schools; remain analytical and numbers-focused when needed, but also bring your heart, person and integrity to leadership.

Signals is the story of the world economy, told in the language of everyday objects, places and events – from magazine covers and supermarkets to public protests.

Pippa Malmgren argues that by being alert to the many signals around us, we can be empowered to deal with the varied troubles and treasures the world economy inevitably brings.

Economics is not just maths and data. Perfume and makeup are part of the world economy, too. Signals will help you understand why the size of chocolate bars, steaks and apartments are shrinking. It explains why the government says we face deflation, yet everyone feels their cost of living is rising and their standard of living is falling. Rising protein prices are felt not just during your weekly shop but by the leaders of emerging markets who are obliged to reach for food and energy assets to feed their people. The increasing near misses between America’s spy planes and the fighter jets of China and Russia are no coincidence.

Malmgren reveals how our daily lives are affected by the ongoing battle, created by central bankers, between inflation and deflation. The fallout of this battle is evident in the rise of antiestablishment voting, the return of social unrest to emerging markets, the movement of manufacturing jobs back to the West and pressure from mass immigration.

Economic forces are breaking the social contract between citizens and their states. If the only real solution is innovation, then the key question becomes whether governments are hostile or hospitable to efforts to build tomorrow’s economy today.

Malmgren shows us who is already building the future and how to be part of it. With its wonderful range of examples, from a Vogue magazine cover to a protest by a Tibetan monk, Signals demonstrates that although we can’t predict the future of the world economy, we can better prepare ourselves for it.

Far from being the concern of only a privileged few, Malmgren shows that economics is a hot topic that touches every life.

Primary Speaking Topics:

Pippa weaves together politics, policy, geopolitics, tech and markets.
• The Upside of COVID
• The Quantum Recovery
• Globalization
• Markets Post 2020/Post US Elections
• Conscious Capitalism
• Digital Divining


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Dr. Pippa Malmgren

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