In this groundbreaking book, Rene Carayol, leading business guru and executive coach, shares the magic and simplicity of his SPIKE (Strengths Positively Identified Kick-start Excellence) philosophy. In the world of SPIKE, there are no losers – everyone has something they are great at. The product of 30 years of supporting the growth and development of thousands of individuals and organizations globally, the book brings together a proven formula for personal and business development. The vital and essential ingredient of SPIKE is that everyone has at least one inherent strength. Finding and mobilizing those hidden strengths for the benefit of the individual and the team is the ultimate aim of this inspiring book.
Collaboration must become one of the key threads of the culture. Therefore, new recruits need to be team players who embrace collaboration by both attitude and behaviour. There is still a tendency to recruit or appoint the ‘super star’ who always delivers, despite being a self-serving ‘lone wolf’. This must change for true collaboration to work.
By building teams with all members having the opportunity to capitalise upon their differing strengths, this encourages collaboration as nothing is best done alone anymore. The weaving in and out of each other’s talents can be very powerful and energising for all involved.
The Chief Executive and the top leadership team in the business must exemplify the traits of a strong interdependent team. They must be seen to be truly committed to each other’s success. They are the most influential positive role models.
Purpose – Values Led/Performance Driven
Globalization has brought many benefits for the stronger and more forward thinking businesses but it has also brought with it tremendous over-capacity in all sectors. This has made differentiation a necessity.
However, when asked, few people can answer the question “What Are You Great At?”
Increasingly consumers are voting with their values; it has become THE key differentiator. But to ensure a product or person is both genuine and authentic, it is critical to know your brand and your values inside out.
Be it a corporate brand or a personal one, the questions remain the same. Who are you? What are your values? What are your aspirations? What are your objectives? What do you stand for?
Brands are the promise of an experience; if that promise is not authentic and is not kept, the customer’s response can be immediate and severe.
Only once these fundamental questions are resolved can anyone or anything be a sustainable success. In the hugely challenging year ahead it has become strikingly evident that addressing these critical issues is
There are a huge and growing number of extremely talented young people in our world, but the traditional deployment of the hierarchy of business does not always see or allow the most talented people to be at the top of the organisation.
Given the electrifying pace of business today, it’s no longer feasible for the CEO or even the ‘C- suite’ to be on top of everything that is going on in the business. Consequently, they are not always the best initiators of new activity or solvers of today’s problems.
Therefore, progressive leaders will always look to harness the talented people that they can learn from all over the business. They also look to hire employees that can bring something new to the table, and who vitally, believe in the company’s values.
And, to ensure that these gifted people are kept happy, they must be recognized and treated well no matter where these special people lie in the hierarchy.
Disruptive Innovation
Nearly every organisation on the planet has some form of digital strategy at the moment, and this is absolutely the right way to go. However, it must be accepted that the world at large has Gone Digital already. In fact, it has probably gone a little further than that, and has now gone ‘mobile’ as well.
Incremental and Bolt-On strategies are failing badly. The existing power structures in most organisations are inadvertently preventing the digitization of the organisation. Who would not want a reduced cost base, increased customer centricity, enhanced compliance, more speed and agility, reduced manual intervention, better risk management and so much more? Well, the obvious answer is everybody would want this, and this is what precisely digitizing the business will deliver.
Personal Leadership
At the top of the organization, the pressure is high and it drives peak performance. As soon as you are able to tangibly ‘contribute,’ it becomes easier to be treated as an equal. On occasion, things can go awry, and this always requires attention. Strangely, in the more robust atmosphere of a board meeting, it is highly appropriate for these issues to be tackled immediately and directly. It can be extremely uncomfortable, but it is necessary, as the learning and experience at the top of the organization soon starts to trickle downwards. As a board director or senior executive, every individual carries both the burden of responsibility and of leadership. All transformation best starts at the top.
High Performing Cultures/Corporate Culture
Companies that just continue to push products will wither away; those who put the customer clearly at the heart of all they do will thrive.
It’s the culture of the business that provides the key to unlocking sustained and positive momentum. Progressive cultures are fuelled by engaged and inspiring leaders. These leaders tend to be visible, connected and trusted. Their behaviour, values and role modelling are essential fuel for progressive cultures.
The culture—the psychology, actions and beliefs of a group of people—is much more powerful than strategy.
There are two definitions of the kind of culture that creates momentum for any business. The first one is that culture is “what happens when the CEO leaves the room”. The second definition is “the way we get things done around here”. It’s all about the attitude of those working for your company.
The most important thing about culture is that it’s the only sustainable point of difference for any organisation. Anyone can copy your strategy, but nobody can copy your culture. So, why would you leave it untended?
The best businesses are the ones whose culture has grown bigger and stronger than any individual in the team. A strong culture gains power through inspiring your people to conform to it.
Culture is the key weapon of all progressive, high-performing businesses. When employing new talent, you have to be discerning in what you’re looking for. Take attitude over skills every time. Hire for attitude, train for skills. It’s far more beneficial to hire someone with the right, positive mindset who will fit in with the culture of your company, than someone with strong skills and great experience, but an inappropriate attitude.
Diversity & Inclusion
It still appears to be really difficult to “walk in the shoes” of the marginalized when you have never shared their experience. There was a time when the need for diversity had to be explained, educated and proved. Thankfully, that is no longer the case, as today, most people definitely get it. Unfortunately, many are still working on the business case for diversity—that proves that their organization still has a way to go. It is just the right thing to do, no queries or challenges stand up anymore!
As the old saying goes, ‘diversity is being invited to the dance, inclusion is being asked to dance.’ It’s no longer good enough to just be present, and in many respects, even inclusion is no longer enough – today, it’s more about the feeling of belonging. As soon as you feel you belong, it changes the feeling of being different from a negative to a positive.
A focus on business transformation.
Just about every organisation today is endeavouring to transform itself; be it because of a depressed share price, poor profit performance or dwindling consumer confidence.
A ‘state of the nation’ address is needed to highlight what has caused this quasi-recession and what can be done for YOUR organisation.
With incremental improvement and efficiency at the top of everyone’s agenda, every industry is transforming itself through their business leadership.
The traditional model of outsourcing does what it “says on the can” – cost reduction and efficient delivery.
Smart customers are demanding innovation from their suppliers. Smart firms are adopting a strategic view and want access to better talent, better technology and improving analytical capabilities.
It is no longer a question of in or out, but far more about the appetite and ambition for growth.
The future will favour the brave and innovative, and partnering will no longer be just about cutting costs, it will be much more about insourcing transformation, innovation and perhaps providing the “game changer” through access to industry leading expertise that enables business growth.