Richard Hames



Strategic foresight & design, business, Asia, governance, social

Richard Hames

Described by Forbes Asia as “one of the smartest people on the planet”, Richard’s groundbreaking insights challenge the boundaries of conventional thinking and inspire us to reimagine our collective future.

A polymath, dynamic public speaker, and visionary entrepreneur, Richard stands as a trailblazing force in global leadership, constantly sought by governments and business leaders for his searing intellect and remarkably accurate foresight on all issues concerning the future of humanity

He correctly foresaw the circumstances that led to the impeachment of President Dilma Rouseff in Brazil. He was among the first futurists to anticipate the success of Apple’s first iPod and Tesla’s electric cars. He also predicted the socio-political conditions that eventually led to the Arab Spring, the release of Burma’s prodemocracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and the election of Donald Trump. He is now talking
about the collapse of capitalism as we know it and threats to the sovereignty of the EU.

Based purely on performance, Dr Richard Hames – Chairman of the Asian Foresight Institute, an elected Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science, and personal mentor to Heads of State, CEOs and entrepreneurs – is considered to be the most accurate futurist in the world.

An Australian citizen, educated in Europe and domiciled in Asia, Richard has been honoured with numerous awards. Not just a compelling and entertaining speaker, he is the author of seven books, and the executive director of the Centre for the Future – a unique global startup whose mission is to redesign humanity’s presence on the Earth and to create a world that works for everyone.

He co-founded MiVote, one of the hottest socio-political movements in the world, and also Horizon State – capitalised to the tune of around $100M overnight and whose blockchain-enabled voting platform was voted 7th out of 100 technologies most likely to change the world.

Richard is also the strategic adviser behind Riversimple’s hydrogen car activities in the UK.
As a foresight practitioner Richard and his team have examined hundreds of topics, ranging from the future of conflict and work, to taxation, business and manufacturing, food security, international terrorism, smart cities, financial services, health care, science and alternative energy.

Richard has just co-authored a book called Manmade – 60 failings of our makings in which he outlines where humanity went wrong with our “limited mindsets”.


I thought you would be just another one of those charlatan futurists hyping the latest technology. But you are the real deal. Your presentation was brilliant and am so pleased that I didn’t miss it. Thank you – Alex.

I was riveted by everything you had to say – Craig.

 Richard thanks so much – you have lost none of your edge. I have been following you since you last spoke at this event two years ago. You are the only futurist worth paying any attention to – Susan.

 This conference is the best I have attended. Your dissertation on where agriculture could be in 50 years was so thought provoking but resonated with much of my own thinking – James.

 You are intimidating Richard, but so brilliant – Dr Richard Harris (co-speaker) 

 Phew! That was phenomenal Richard. It really hit the mark – Helen.

 Absolutely awesome – Livinia Nixon (MC)

Heresies: Essays on the Future of Humanity

Heresies are seminal ideas that are at fundamental variance with the established order.

Over the many years Richard has been advising governments and corporations he have often been branded a heretic.
He has invariably taken this as a compliment. In the quest for alternative wisdom and new ways of knowing,
this short book of essays examines the future of humanity from a mindfully contrarian perspective.

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Richard Hames