Here are some practical tips to build resilience from our Mental Toughness Expert Penny Mallory.  Book her to motivate and inspire your team as “remote working fatigue” has set in with most people.

1 Practice Tolerating Discomfort

Doing anything at all that requires you to ‘push on’ through a level of discomfort will build discipline and resilience. Whatever you have been putting off because it feels uncomfortable or unpleasant – do it today. Tomorrow you’ll be ready to go again, and a bit more.

2 Maintain a Hopeful Outlook

When you focus on what is negative about a situation and remain in a fearful or threatened state, you’re less likely to find a solution. Try to maintain a hopeful, optimistic outlook, and expect a positive outcome instead of a negative one. Using your imagination and visualisation is a useful technique to increase a sense of optimism.

3 Keep Things In Perspective

When times get tough, remember that things could be worse. Try to avoid blowing things out of proportion. In cultivating resilience it helps to keep a long-term perspective when facing difficult or painful events. Take a step back – zoom out – and see the issue from a new or different perspective.

4 Accept that Change is Part of Living

They say that the only thing constant in life is change. As a result of difficult circumstances, certain goals may no longer be realistic or attainable. By accepting that which you cannot change, it allows you to focus on the things that you do have control over.

5 Take Action Daily

Instead of shying away from problems and stresses, wishing they would just go away, try to take decisive action whenever possible. Any small action is better than no action.


6 Make Connections

Resilience can be strengthened through our connection to family, friends, and community. Healthy relationships with people who care about you and will listen to your problems, offer support during difficult times and can help us to reclaim hope. Likewise, assisting others in their time of need can benefit us greatly and foster our own sense of resilience.

7. Look After Yourself

Self-care is an essential strategy for building resilience and helps to keep your mind and body healthy enough to deal with difficult situations as they arise. Taking care of yourself means paying attention to your own needs and feelings, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Regular physical exercise is also a great form of self-care. Rest is also a requirement, not a luxury.

8. Help Others

Making small, simple gestures of kindness to others will increase your sense of both being connected and competent, and will deliver a sense of satisfaction, which helps build resilience.

9. Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems

We cannot change the external events happening around us, but we can control our reaction to these events. In life, there will always be challenges, but it’s important to look beyond whatever stressful situation you are faced with, and remember that circumstances will change. There is always an opportunity lurking in every challenge you face, learn to look out for it

10. Move toward your goals

Set your goal and write it down. Visualise it and make it feel real in you mind. Then start to create small, actionable steps that will make your big goal more achievable. Create small ‘wins’ along the way to keep you motivated. Try to accomplish one small step towards your goal every day.