Beau Lotto – Fantastic Opening Keynote Speaker

Neuroscientist; Entrepreneur; Author, Deviate  “Dynamic Opening Keynote and Tone Setter” who instantly engages your audience. In a world that is changing faster than ever, Dr. Beau Lotto’s unique and exceptional skills enable him to empower and motivate corporate audiences to challenge their perceptions about change while engaging them to take ownership for creating a better, different, […]

This weeks newsletter from Mike O’Sullivan…..

Waking up to World Debt   Christmas has come early for readers of ‘The Levelling on Sunday’! I want to give you a heads up that my programme ‘Waking up to World Debt’ will air on the BBC 4 on Monday evening (8pm UK time, and again at 11am on Wednesday – I will also circulate […]

Jeremy Rifkin – New Speaker on Climate Change & Energy Security

“Humanity is desperate for a sustainable economic game plan to take us into the future” Jeremy Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Union for the past decade. He advised the government of Spain during its presidency of the European Union and served as an adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime […]

Make Up Your Mind -The Art of Making Good Decisions

Richard David Hames – 11th September 2024. Decisions. Life is full of them. Every day we make numerous decisions – some small and relatively inconsequential, others potentially life-changing. We conscientiously protect our right to choose from the many options available to us. It is pivotal to our perceived distinctiveness as human beings – or so […]

AI Expert David Rowan

The most in-demand topic this year is AI – everyone wants to know how it will impact their business. David Rowan explains compellingly how emerging technologies will impact business and how leaders should prepare now. •”AI may be the future — but what does it mean for your business today?”•”Artificial intelligence: time saver or skills […]

Risks & Opportunities For The Human-AI Age

By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic for Forbes Why chatGPT acts like an insecure narcissist, and why blaming AI for our biases is a perfect excuse for remaining unaware of them Human beings have a long history of blaming technological innovations for their own cultural demise. Socrates and his fellow philosophers (think of them as the original hipsters) […]

The Levelling On Sunday – Mike O’Sullivan

Wonderful story of life, stress, technology and AI One Man and his Dog  Often a little stress can sharpen the mind. A recent journey, by train, from Paris to Oxford was disrupted by first a cancelled train and then predictably, a delayed one. This complicated an otherwise pleasant day because I was supposed to be […]

New Speaker: Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an international authority in psychological profiling, talent management, leadership development, and people analytics. His commercial work focuses on the creation of science-based tools that improve organizations’ ability to predict performance, and people’s ability to understand themselves. He is currently the Chief Innovation Officer at Manpower Group, co-founder of Deeper Signals and […]

Great Piece from Mehreen Economics Editor of the Times – Criticising the Bank for its diversity misses the point to a ludicrous degree

Mehreen Khan Tuesday June 06 2023, 12.01am BST, The Times In the United States, “critical race theory” has become a catch-all slur wielded by right-wing commentators and Republicans as the source of many of America’s ills. Internet memes poke fun at how the academic discipline is apparently responsible for US school shootings, social unrest and […]